Codswallop Quote of the Day

A liberal friend just posted on Facebook that he just sent his first donation to the Biden campaign. There is much back-and-forthing in the comment thread bemoaning how young people don't like Biden and won't vote for him, how the Democratic party is letting all Dems down by supporting and promoting bad candidates, etc., etc. But the eye-popper was this:
You know that line about how our system is the second worst in the world - but the worst system in the world is every other system in the world? Letting the people vote for their leaders is just a terrible idea. But I can't for the life of me think of a system that would be less terrible. And we had a primary and our fellow democrats voted In the fall everybody else will vote. it almost never goes my way. I hate it. 
Same with jury trials. Holy hell that's an awful idea! Let our fellow citizens decide? OMG. But again I can't think of anything better. The people voted. 
Our people voted. Our fellow Democrats voted and their will just could not have been any clearer.


  1. Replies
    1. No kidding. And you should see the stuff being posted about Amy Klobuchar being in the running for Biden's VP running mate -- progressives are having absolute hissy fits. It's utter insanity... because they're all in agreement that they're going to throw their money and support that way anyway.
